Favorite 007: Sean Connery

I liked Lazenby, who's Australian accent makes for a totally different and interesting interpretation of Bond, while Brosnan's Diet Connery and Dalton's aggressive modes were good. However, I always hated Roger Moore. To me, he was the William Shatner of the Bonds in terms of how he hams it up and well, is as convincing as Captain Kirk whenever he fights...

But Connery rules. Why? Maybe its because hes got Dalton's aggression, but its narrowed and always on mark for the story, and besides....hes a slick bastard with the girls as well while kicking ass, something of which Dalton could never get down right. Still that new FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE video game has been very enjoyable, with Connery back(of sorts). He was style and substance!

Well, I plan someday whenever I pull out my Franchise Review column to fully get down deep with the BOND pictures, though here is a few I've always dug:

GOLDFINGER (1964) - Many would call this either the best movie of the franchise, or at least the iconic flagship of it. What I always dug about it is how the villain doesn't care about taking over the world or whatever. No, he simply wants to nuke America's gold supply so that HIS gold becomes 100x more valuable. What a bastard.

GOLDENEYE (1995) - The last 007 picture that I can say I liked as a movie itself without grinding my molars. Not to mention that Bond is in personal conflict in fighting the villain (Sean Bean), his old friend-turned-baddie. For once, Bond is emotional and personal.

ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE (1969) - While I'm not the biggest Lazenby fan, there is something to this film where it not only willing to take a joke at Connery's BOND beforehand, but also its got the balls to have a downer of an ending for such a super-popcorn machine.