Kennedy-I was only 4 so I didn't really understand what was going on, but I remember the adults crying. The image I remember for some reason is the funeral-the riderless horse with the boots turned backward in the stirrups and Kennedy's son saluting. And my parents still have newspapers and magazines from then.

Moon landing-we were at a picnic and they were listening to it on the radio and when they landed the adults all broke into spontaneous applause. I also remember when the first Apollo crew was killed in a fire in 1967. We were in second grade and the teachers were all crying.

911-woke up to get ready for work, listening to NPR, they broke in to say that a small plane had crashed into the tower. An accident, I thought. Went by my parents house on my way to work just in time to see the second plane hit and my dad told me there were other planes not responding to orders. Went to work in a state of confusion, knowing we were going to be at war but not knowing how this day would end. We didn't do any work, just watched it on TV in a state of shock and dismay.

Hurricane Katrina-still living through this one, my life and the lives of thousands of others will be divided by August 29, 2005. What is strange is that being in it and not having power is not seeing anything on tv until the third or fourth day when it was getting real bad in the city. We only had the radio, people looking for people, nothing but bad news. Then going down and seeing it for yourself, it is unreal.

"How's the Italian food in this restaurant?'