Well I finally went to sse King Kong today and am I pissed off.

I'll tell you why after I tell you what I think.
I went to an 11:00 a.m. showing at my local theater. Surprisingly there was only about a dozen people or so. Anyway, the cast was good (I agree Naomi Watts stole the show). I have never seen Jack Black in anything before this. He was okay, but from the beginning, when he was trying to sell his movie idea to the bigwigs, I got the impression from his expressions that he was imitating John Belushi (am I the only one?) His eye movements made me unsure if he was being comical or serious.
The prehistoric animals, the creepy island natives and the disgusting bugs really added to the movie. How about those gigantic spiders crawling on Ann?

The island itself was eerie even before any of the natives or creatures appeared. I loved the 30's feel in the NYC scenes. Any oldtimers notice the Pepsodent marquee, with the scrollinng message advertising Amos & Andy live?
My favorite part has always been the ending, with KK wrecking havoc in NYC, and his climb to the top of the Empire State Bldg with Ann in hand. I was probably anticipating that scene more than any other. I just like it. :p
SPOILER (If you've been living in a cave and know nothing about KK)
As Kong reaches the top of the ESB, after he pounds his heart, and Ann says to him "beautiful", with the planes circling and the pilots giving a 1,2,3 countdown when to shoot,
(end spoiler) the freekin' frackin' movie screen goes dark and we are left with only sound.
I felt like a kid. I ran out and grabbed the first worker I see and said, "we aren't getting picture only sound and KK is on the ESB and told the guy how that was the climatic part of the movie, etc. :p Well, went back in everyone that was there waited about ten minutes then the manager came in and said he was sorry but the movie/tape/dvd whatever was broken and it couldn't be fixed. He advised us that it shows again at 2:30, but I didn't want to sit another 3 hours at least not this soon. So he gave us all free passes. The only think I can do, is go back for the last what??20 min or so. I don't know, but it was like clockwork. My favorite scene is exactly when the picture cut out. :p I didn't mind the first hour build-up so much, but why couldn't it have happened then?
So that's my Kong experience. I did see most of it, but you gotta admit, that's a hell of a time to lose the picture.