Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[quote]Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
[b] I'd pay. Geoff spends his hard-earned money to keep this site/forum running. He's asked for nothing in return.
I agree. I don't see why we shouldn't subsidize the maintanance of these boards. After all Geoff has provided us with a great site here, probably the best in all of cyberspace. He has provided us with links to his other sites, and on those sites there are really some fantastic things for us to see as far as our hobby goes.
I cannot see what the big deal is to pay a few doallars a month to help our Godfather keep this place up and running.
Think about it. $2.00 per month breaks down to about .07 cents a day to have access to these boards. That is nothing.
I say that we pay tribute up to our Don.
Don Cardi

[/b][/quote]We did over the Summer remember he got a few fishes?