A great topic indeed.

I have had several recurring dreams. Mainly the recurring ones are of me drowning, usually being pulled under the water by an invisible source, or a couple of times by a shark and even one time by sand (doesn't make any sense, I know).
I've also had several dreams or nightmares rather involving spiders, which I have a slight phobia of.

It has been awhile since I've had a distinct and vivid dream. Usually I'll be doing something during the day and suddenly remember I had a dream about something similar the night before.
The strangest and most linear dream I've ever had happened a few years back. I was driving a truck down a dirt road in the middle of the night. Another truck came up behind me and kept honking it's horn and flashing it's lights. It soon passed me and crashed through a fence up the road. I got out and opened the door of the other truck, and the driver fell out, only he was headless.

As far as dreams predicting the future, I've had one or two of those. I don't believe I am psychic, and I'm not sure I believe in any of that, but I had a dream once that my friend and I were on a boat and my father came out of nowhere telling us it was going to sink.
Then a few months later, that same friend came with my father and I to New York City for my birthday, and we took the ferry to see the Statue of Liberty. My friend and I were at the bottom of the boat when my father came down through the crowd telling us to come up with him because we were about to dock.

Maybe not identical, but the way it played out was exactly the way I dreamed it. I was speechless for a few minutes.

How am I not myself?