Okay, fully aware of this topic I was reading before going to bed last night, as if to treat me, my mind conjured at least three dreams last night, and I only remember two of them.

The first I remember waking up from and wanting to write it down as an idea for a film, on themes of love and existentialism, and how we're all pieces of dust who place ourselves much larger than what we are. Anyway, the house at the back of mine was going to get burgled by two people, and I had a big horse, and was about to leap over my back wall and catch them in the act. But I mistimed my jump, and I scared them off before they even did it, which may be a good thing in real life, but not in the dream, as the burglar was a good looking girl with a friend. The only way I can explain the rest is using Vercetti's "blurred" vision; my memory thereafter is very vague indeed, but I remember waking up with the themes of me and the girl falling in love, but both employed on opposite sides of the curtain by different, hidden, larger forces - she was supposed to be the wrongdoer, me the right.

I woke up after this with another dream, but have since forgotten it.

Then, just this morning, I was on my school playing field, with a football (soccer) match going on. I was by far the best player, and there were even cheer-leaders there, with one of whom I fell in love. End of dream.
It's funny how in dreams, or our memory of them, things are much larger than in real life--like my school playing field, for one.

Another thing: it's also interesting how dreams can form a whole fictional history for themselves in our mind, so while we're having them we treat them as real life, taking their events for granted. But this quick formation of some kind of history can also trick us into thinking we've had that dream before, and of course we haven't. At least I don't think we have. I'm just wondering if some of you guys who claim to be having recurring dreams have had that actual dream since claiming to have had it on a recurring basis?


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'The hell you look like on a message board
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