here, by popular demand (if you can call one request - by SC - "popular demand") is my Godfather version of the classic "The Night Before Christmas."

Originally written in December, 2002, I offer it once again to dispel the notion that I have no holiday spirit and am, in fact, a grinch in disguise.

The Night Of The Hit Attempt

'Twas the night of the hit attempt, and all through the estate
Some were not sleeping 'cause the party'd run late
The drapes were left open by Fredo with care
Not knowing Roth's hitmen soon would be there

Kay C. was nestled all snug in her bed
While hopes of legitimacy danced in her head
And Mama, still thinking of Connie and Merle
Was hoping her daughter would be a good girl

When out on the lawn there arose a slight clatter
Michael looked through the drapes to see what was the matter
Then away from the window he sprang like a hare
As the sound of the gunfire rang through the air

He crawled on the floor to reach Kay in her bed
And then pulled her down while he cradled her head
The shooting was over and so was the noise
In the room where the children come play with their toys

Michael ran out, though his eyes were still bleary
"Where's Rocco? Where's Fredo? Where's Hagen and Neri?"
"Get them alive, Rocco" is what Michael said
But he knew that the hitmen were already dead

Back in the house Michael sat down with Tom
And said "I'm going away, you will be the new Don
"There's a traitor among us who's name I can't leak"
But he thought it was Fredo, so stupid and weak

On the way to Miami, Michael started to think
About those he had killed without even a blink
McCluskey, Sollozzo, Stracchi and Rizzi
Moe Greene, Tattaglia, Tessio, and Barzini

And he knew he'd be adding one more to that list
And when he found him, his lips he would kiss
The kiss of death he would get, then his life would be lost
But that still left the question: Pentangelli or Roth

By the end of the film, Michael knew who it was
Ola, and Fredo, and Roth was the buzz
So Mike had them all killed, but his mind was still frozen
On Hyman Roth's words about the business he'd chosen

Michael tried to retire, his head started to spin
"As soon as I'm out, they just pull me back in"
He made Vincent the Don, much to his delight
And decided to go to the opera that night

But due to events which unfolded, to wit:
Mike didn't know that there'd be one more hit
Both twins were killed; it was really quite scary
But what made it worse was, the killer got Mary

So Michael died wealthy, though really quite poor
He won many battles, but still lost the war
And now final words for my friends on this site:
Merry Christmas to The Godfather tonight!

"Difficult....not impossible"