It's been Christmas in Texas, officially, for a while now, but I'd like to wish all of my BB "family" a very merry Christmas!

I celebrated with my close family on Christmas Eve (instead of Day...we're going to my grandparents' instead of staying home tomorrow) for the very first time, and it was very nice. Besides one big gift for my dad, we kept it quite simple in our gift exchange. I did receive a wonderful Dizzy Gillespie CD from my parents - now they'll get to hear me rotate that with my Maynard and Brian Setzer CDs constantly. My brother gave me a new camera - my current one literally broke down...the viewfinder just stopped working - so that was a nice and much appreciated gift.

Sully, thanks for helping us keep in mind what Christmas is really about. I get caught up in gifts, giving just as much as receiving, and the whole commercialism, but I always try to remind myself what the real "reason for the season" is. Of course, it's to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but also, as you mentioned, to enjoy time spent with our loved ones. As this evening unraveled, I thought about that a lot. I gave thanks that I was able to see relatives at church and spend this time with my parents and brother. We watched A Christmas Story on TV, we all sat together and talked, and my brother and I watched Office Space together (very funny!) - it's those kind of things that make the holiday so special for me. Though it's always fun to think about presents, lights, trees, etc. (which I do), those things won't make lasting memories as well as time spent with family and friends will.