Originally posted by Cuneo:
There are many theories behind this. People hated JFK because he was different than everyone before him.
People hated the Kennedys in general long before JFK was even born. Joseph P. Kennedy ruined livelihoods by underhanded dealings in the stock market and was a bootlegger in competition with people like Frank Costello. I recommend "The Kennedys: Dynasty and Disaster" by John H. Davis.

Originally posted by Irishman12:
have you read either ON THE TRAIL OF THE ASSASINS by Jim Garrison or CROSSFIRE: THE PLOT THAT KILLED KENNEDY by Jim Marrs? These 2 books were what the movie was based off of
Not in their entirety, but I have looked at both books and cited them. No doubt Garrison has a compelling theory, but there are also many people who disagree with him. Gerald Posner, whose book I take with a grain of salt ("Case Closed" was the controversial book that the media lapped up because he claimed to have proven that Oswald was the lone gunman).

Originally posted by Irishman12:
If they can murder the President of the United States in front of our eyes and get away with it by selling the American public the lemon of "the magic bullet theory" ( ) then what exactly else have they done and what are they capable of doing?
There was a documentary not that long ago (I believe it was on the Discovery Channel) that actually proved the magic bullet theory was true. They re-enacted the entire sequence using realistic body models and gel casts in order to replicate the JFK assassination, and their results were eerily similar. What has previously been stated regarding the magic bullet is often biased or speculative, because most ignore the height differences between the seats of Kennedy and Connally. I cite this program as definitive evidence that whomever fired the particular magic bullet shot (#2 of Oswalds, I believe, if we go by the sequence of the Warren Commission) could very well have happened in that instance regardless of any conspiracy. I know that it sounds hard to believe, and I didn't the first time I heard about the documentary, but after watching it, I'm at least 90% sure that the magic bullet sequence isn't just theory or speculation, and that there was nothing magic about the bullet or its trajectory.

You can find the documentary here.

Originally posted by Irishman12:
I'm fairly confident we'll never know the full truth. I wouldn't be surprised if we never saw the documents that are scheduled to be released in 2017
Well, the whole point of them being withheld by President Johnson until 2039 was for "national security reasons." But I think that they bound by the 1992 JFK Records Collection Act to release them, and, if by nothing else, the Freedom of Information Act. But again, what these documents could hold is highly speculative.

I've actually been intrigued recently by the re-internment of JFK's body, and the whereabouts of his brain (which, according to some photos, might have been in a box that was seen nearby RFK and the Cardinal, re-interred along with JFK).