Originally posted by plawrence:
I find Ruby's "Fair Play" comment and very presence at the Friday evening press conference, along with his obvious ties to local Dallas mobsters and his Chicago origins, to be the single most persuasive piece of evidence that the mob was in some way involved.
I totally agree. Ruby had too many different ties to various mobsters and it would be too much of a coincidence that he shot Oswald because he felt that it was his patriotic duty.

I also agree with you that there was, and still is, a cover-up going on by our government. Stories like this one, that Geoff posted are interesting, but when stories like this come out it makes me believe that our government is putting these kinds of stories out to cast doubt on the possibility that they themselves were originally part of the conspiracy.

As for that magic bullet not being a magic bullet, well JJ, with all die respect I do not buy it one bit. No one will ever convince me that Oswald was the lone shooter, fired those shots in such a short time, and that one bullet traveled the way that it did, up, down, sideways and did all that damage. I believe that the shooters, including Oswald, shot from different angles.

Personally I think that the government and the mob were in cohoots with the killing of JFK.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.