Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
This Sunday I have a pitching session, a sort of "Pop Idol" type of deal wherein I put an idea forward to a panel of would-be producers for a film to be made in February. I am currently in the pre-production stages of a film already scheduled to shoot in May.

I haven't a job yet, and don't necessarily want one, but the money would make things easier for nightclubs, the cinema, buying Sight & Sound every month and I have a week's holiday in Malia (Crete (Greeece)) booked with friends for July, so I need to start saving.

This term is supposed to be, and is, the most important of my schooling career. Essentially, it's the one that decides whether or not I'm going to University...

...and on that front, I bought a calendar the other day, and my friend turned to me and said, "You know what's weird? How you're going to be using that when you're at uni." True; I'd be starting in September this year. I am moving away. Exeter is probably the most tasty course for me. Look at where Exeter is in the UK compared to Newcastle (closest city to my town). It's an absolute country's-worth journey there.

This is going to be a very unpredictable, hectic, and interesting year for me to explore myself further in the dark jungles of adolescence.
What about you guys, what does this year hold for you?
Is this film in May another short? If so, you're sure doing a lot of pre-production (unless that includes the writing of the script). Good luck with it and the pitch this Sunday (not to mention everything else happening within the next year) and be sure to keep us updated.

I myself am working on two long-term film-related projects, though neither of them are "personal films." One of them will be a promotional documentary for my school; that is, something along the lines of Triumph of the Will. Not that I don't like my school or any of the people that go there or attend (because I do like it), but I can't help feel like I'm selling out at such a young age. I will be directing it, but a group of friends are helping. This will be good for me because it will get me much needed community service hours plus will look very good on my resume if/when I apply for film school. And since even if they do turn it down we will still be able to take advantage of those benefits, we are seriously considering "putting our own stamp on it." That is, the result could end up being something like Godard directing a Star Wars movie; not a Star Wars movie at all, but solely a Godard one.

And the other project is, more or less, a TV show that will probably not end up on TV. While, I don't see any meetings with any networks in the future, the shows will still get an audience, hoepfully, via the internet. My friend has a website and will be putting them online (I'll post a link whenever we get one finished). My friends and I (the same ones), have ten episodes planned, and ideas from then one. We plan to use detailed outlines instead of scripts which will either end up bite us in the ass or making the final product stand out. I am the co-creator and will write most of the episodes, along with starring in them. It's going to be a black comedy.

"I could dance with you until the cows come home...on second thought I'd rather dance with the cows when you come home."

Groucho Marx - Duck Soup


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