Poor Iceman...
tsk tsk tsk

Me, I only care about if the person IS funny, and DAILY SHOW is funny. Conan O'Brien is funny. Foxworthy is funny.

What do those 3 have in common? Different regionalities and styles of humor, but still damn funny. Who cares what they think in terms of political opinions? Its the humor that I only care about because you see...I accept that people always seem to have different opinions from me on issues or whatever. In fact, I only go nuclear probably in disagreement when it comes to films(just check out me and Irishman's feud that stemmed from him liking the terrible FANTASTIC FOUR).

Hopefully Stewart will make the Oscars fun. I still remember when he abruptly stopped CROSSFIRE to tell both Carville and Carlson that their now-cancelled program was more about entertainment than it was about debate.

Off topic, but there is movement to get Steve Carell an Oscar nod for his script for 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN. Geez, I wonder if Stewart will make a joke of his former DAILY SHOW reporter. Ummm....

Now if they could get Conan O'Brien sometime in the future, all is good.