Originally posted by afsaneh77:
None of these really. I've noticed that we two are probably the most incompatible people when it comes to opinions on different stuff.
Ok that makes sense. Although actually one of my cousins and I just might be the most incompatible people. As her and I don't see eye to eye on anything, be it Music, Movies, TV Shows, or politics. And yet we still get along great go figure

Originally posted by afsaneh77:

Well, actually, I'm thinking there has been one thing in common. I like the TV series Angel, as I'm guessing you do as well. Or do you?!
Yeah I always liked the series Angel so that's one thing in common.

Originally posted by afsaneh77:

I'm guessing your hatred toward Stewart has to be due to his political opinions in his show? But I have little clue on what he says really, I just guessed that must be all and since I wouldn't have that problem, I might like him.
Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Poor Iceman...
tsk tsk tsk

Me, I only care about if the person IS funny, and DAILY SHOW is funny. Conan O'Brien is funny. Foxworthy is funny.

What do those 3 have in common? Different regionalities and styles of humor, but still damn funny. Who cares what they think in terms of political opinions? Its the humor that I only care about because you see...I accept that people always seem to have different opinions from me on issues or whatever.
Now I can see why the 2 of you would mention politics. As I've never been shy when it comes to expressing my political views on this board. However my hatred for Jon Stewart has nothing to do with that. I just never found him funny, nor have I ever found his show funny. Plus his voice just irritates me for some reason.