To those that have come down fairly squarely on the side of laws against private busines owners having the right to hire or not hire their employees for whatever reasons they wish, or at least for some reasons (race, religion, sexual orientatiton).....

And I'm thinging primarily here of Sicilian Babe, The Dr. who fixed Lucy, E Lucky R and svsg, allow me to ask you this:

Suppose you own a two-family house and you and your family occupy half of it.

Should you be alllowed to discriminate against who you rent the other half to?

If someone has children and has strong moral objections to homosexuality and don't want to rent their apartment to two men who are clearly homosexual (they are holding hands and talking to each other as lovers would while thy look at the apartment) because they don't want to expose thir children to that lifestyle, they shouls not have the choice of not renting to them?

If members of a certain nationality, race, or religion would simply feel "more comfortable" living in the same house - their house - with "their own kind". they shouldn't have the option of selecting a tennant on that basis?

If someone doesn't want to rent to a 19-year old man, because he fears he might hold wild parties, make noise, or be irrespnsible about paying the rent because that was their prior experience with that type of tennant, that shouldn't matter?

And, if you think that they should not be allowed to discriminate, what is the difference between that and hiring someone for a job?

"Difficult....not impossible"