A&E is showing last season's episodes today. I happened to watch the last episode of last season. Boy, the writing is so superb. Of course when watching the last episode last season, no one would actually pick up on something that was said, or take if for more than face value at the time. But after watching this new season and what has transpired, a new meaning to what was said in last season final episode, by former President Palmer to Current President Logan, takes on a whole new meaning!

There is a scene, after the terrorists are caught and everything is resolved, where President Logan calls President Palmer into his office to thank him for all his help. Palmer tells Logan that he must talk to his Security Advisor Walt Cummings because he, Palmer, believes that Cummings may be setting Jack up to be killed. Logan takes offense to what Palmer is suggesting and tells Palmer that it is now time for him to go back into civilian life and that he would never question Cummings as it would be against his beliefs in running his administration as he sees fit. Palmer insists that something is not right and Logan brushes Palmers idea off as just being paranoid! Palmer responds to Logan by saying that he gets it, that Logan " Sees No Evil."

There in that last episode was a hint that Palmer knew something that was going down in Logan's administration and that Walt Cummings was somehow involved! A storyline which developed this season, but one that we never gave a second thought to in the last season when watching that scene.

What outstanding writing on this show.

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Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.