How does this apply? I don't follow the Koran or the Bible.

Or are you saying that since the Koran says things that are logical the Bible does too so we should follow neither? what is the point?

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[quote]Originally posted by Saladbar:
[b] I found this article on Christianity Today (see I don't just read leftist material!) and I am interested in Christian comment on torture.

(Reports from your link): A former Iraqi general "died of asphyxiation after being stuffed head-first into a sleeping bag … at an American base in Al Asad."
The New York Times, October 23, 2005

"Al-Qatani was forced to perform dog tricks on a leash, was straddled by a female interrogator, forced to dance with a male interrogator, told that his mother and sister were whores, forced to wear a woman's bra and thong on his head during interrogation, and subjected to an unmuzzled dog to scare him."
Newsweek, November 21, 2005

(Complete with Bible verses to prove it.)
I found these versus from the Quoran today( See, I don't just read Christian or Hebrew material)and I am interested in YOUR comment about these teachings and what they've lead to :

"When the sacred forbidden months for fighting are past, fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, torture them, and lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war."

"Your Lord inspired the angels with the message: ‘I will terrorize the unbelievers. Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes."

"The punishment for those who wage war is to murder them, crucify them, or cut off a hand and foot on opposite sides...their doom is dreadful."

Daniel Pearl, a journalist for the Wall Street Journal, had his throat slashed by Muslim extremists. Pearl's captors made a video, titled The Slaughter of the Spy-Journalist, the Jew Daniel Pearl.

Reported by AP

Paul Johnson, a 49-year-old Lockheed Martin Corp. employee, was kidnapped in Riyadh last Saturday.
His body was found Friday in northern Riyadh soon after an Islamist Web site posted photographs of his decapitated body. One photograph showed a severed head sitting on the back of a headless body.

Reported by CNN

Iraqi insurgents abduct hostages and broadcast their capture, and in some cases their beheading, using homemade videos. These videos are often broadcast via the Al-Jazeera news agency or directly thru militant websites.
Tom Fox, abducted 26 Nov2005
James Loney, abducted 26 Nov2005
Norman Kember, abducted 26 Nov2005
Eugene "Jack" Armstrong, abducted 16 Sep2004
Kim Sun-Il, 33, abducted 14 Jun2004

Reported by AP

Tell us about the torture of terrorists, but don't talk about the beheadings and killings of Journalists and Contractors. :rolleyes:

And to add to what Don Vercetti said, how is it that the same people who advocate the seperation of church and state want to all of a sudden quote biblical passages?
I guess when it suits your own cause then it's ok to mix religion with your politics.

It is obvious to me that in your mind, putting a pair of panties on a terrorist's head, or putting a dog leash around a terrorists neck is much worse than slashing a reporters throat because he's a jew or cutting a civilian's head off for the world to see.

Don Cardi [/b][/quote]

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"