Gutted for you Pat, there's nothing worse. I have to say I'm glad you're alright, your topic title made it sound like you've been hit by a car whilst being a pedestrian. You could have suffered a broken tail bone for all we know!

If you can't get anyone claiming liability (and it sounds quite hard without witnesses) just accept it's just a dent, don't involve the insurance company, you'll lose any no claims bonus's and your premiums will go up. Plus Im assuming your excess will be quite high for being a young driver. I had my last car, worth £600, written off due to someone elses fault. I'm gonna get £175 out of it because of "young drivers excess" (under 25's).

At best maybe post a few flyers around the houses asking for witnesses. But like I say, don't inform the insurance fuckers unless you get someone liable for the incident.

So die all who betray Giuliano