Plaw, the point I was trying to make about suspending habeus corpes is that at the time it was heavily debated and he did it unilaterally (although I'm not sure if it could have been suspended with congress' approval) but looking back at it now it doesn't even matter because it was the end that justified the means. The U.S.A. was saved and expanded and Lincoln is one of the greatest Presidents because of it. So 140 years from now Bush might be considered the best President because in a few years (from now) we find out that his wiretaps uncovered a plot or stopped an attack or what have you or his basis for waging war on Iraq and terrorism (I will not debate this as its been beaten to a bloody pulp already, so if anyone quotes this I will not respond) put him down as one of the greatest Presidents ever even though at the time of the events he wasn't well liked and his means were heavily debated.
Let's face it, Lincoln is the only President to have states leave the Union under him, I doubt an approval rating could get lower