Originally posted by Patrick:
Is it bad for me to do the treadmill every day?
depends on your goals, I'm jogging my memory here so this could be a little off but if you are looking to lose weight and fat then I think 5 days is the cardio you should do (you should have at least 1 day of no working out)*from here on I know* if you are looking to gain mass then you want to do 1 MAYBE 2 days of cardio.

The thing to remember is that you can't gain muscle without gaining fat. That is why there are "mass building phases" and "cutting phases", when you build mass you gain muscle and fat, when you cut you lose weight, muscle(very little) and fat. You can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. And incase you are wondering there is no way to spot reduce, in other words a lot of people will say I want to lose weight but only in my legs (sorry to be sexist here but this is mostly from women, a lot of women like their breastst and butt but don't like their legs so they want to lose fat in their thighs while keeping their butt and breast the same size) so there is no way to just lose fat in one particular part of your body while keeping all others constant.

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"