Originally posted by Don Jasani:
...but I mean, KISS fans take it to like the next level. They dress up like the band for one, think that they're in the band, and refuse to listen to anyone who would dare question KISS's authority as the best band on the face of The Planet.
As for my saying that Simmons doesn't know what real Rock 'N Roll is, well I mean, to me it seems that KISS is all about theatrics. This is fine and good. A lot of Rock is based on theatrics, and it has been proven time and again that theatrics produce entertainment, and musicians whether they want to be or not are in the entertainment indusry. If they don't build it, people will not come. However, KISS focuses too much on their costumes and their makeup (wtf?) instead of their music. I realize they already have the fans, the chicks, the money, the houses, the cars and pretty much everything us mere mortals could hope to aspire to have. But having all this and having the costumes and the makeup and the fire and the whatnot whatever, KISS seems to forget that they should be a (and maybe were at one time) Rock 'N Roll band, first and foremost. Simmons is the main instigator for their nonsense bullshit so he should get most of the blame. Don't get me wrong, they have produced some great music and I have bobbed my head to the odd KISS tune every now and then, but they are not all that they have been made up to be.
Ok, well first and foremost let me make this point. KISS, what they are all about, is appealing to the superhero aspect. Fans dress up as their favorite members, don the makeup of their favorite members (I sure have), etc. The makeup and costumes ('wtf!?') are part of the act. As for KISS fans 'refusing to listen to anyone who would dare question KISS's authority as the best band on the face of The Planet', again, which band that has diehard fans don't say this? And that isn't even true. I for one, love KISS, but know that they aren't the best band ever.
KISS have admitted, that it is first and foremost about the theatrics, and second the music. There is nothing wrong with that, as KISS delivers pretty damn good music anyway. Just give me one example of a KISS stinker (DYNASTY) and I'll give you a great Rock and Roll album (HOTTER THAN HELL).
As for Simmons being 'the instigator of their nonsense bullshit', what exactly is their nonsense bullshit?