The Academy has ALWAYS gotten it wrong folks.

I mean, you think its anything new? If you do, go dig up Orson Welles' grave, and tell him that HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY was more worthy of the 1941 Best Picture Oscar than say CITIZEN KANE, or better yet go dig up John Huston as well and say the same for THE MALTESE FALCON from the same year.

As for THE PIANIST, I think Brody deserved it absolutely, at least out of the group of nominees. Then again, I am sure that he only won because Lewis split the vote badly with Nicholson, as which happened as well in the Best Director, with the Scorsese/Marshall(CHICAGO) split in the tolls allowing a certain Roman Polanski to actually win it. I love Marty...but I actually think the Greatest Raping Filmmaker Ever did probably deserve it. I mean, better Roman than the helmer of CHICAGO and the Miramax Oscar Press Machine.