Originally posted by Sicilian Babe:
And, SVSG and Double J, you should be totally ashamed of what you posted. There is nothing funny or even remotely amusing about teen suicide, and your posts completely and totally disgusted me. I know we're not supposed to name-call here, but if I get banned it will be worth it. By posting that, you were both jackasses.
SB, I apologise. I come from a background where "most" men consider their mother to be the dearest person on earth, over their father, wife, brother or sister. The only exception being their own kids. So when I hear a person saying all this about his mother, I think it is cruel. And along the same lines, a mother won't mind getting into trouble to protect her son (unlike what you said).I know my mother has done quite a bit of sacrifices for me and my sister, though neither of us were junkies, alcoholics or in general troublesome. And I would consider my mother and father to be the dearest persons for me, much more than any girlfriend or wife. I think you would not understand it coming from a different culture. It is okay.
And regarding you calling me a jackass, it doesn't bother me. I thought I had to give an explanation for having made a unfriendly remark to patrick. But name calling me reveals something about you. So I am glad some of our members got a chance to see your ugly side.