SB,OK, maybe you are right, I probably misunderstood. You said that his mother was right in throwing away the alcohol becasue in case of police action, the parents will get arrested. Though it is an absolutely valid common sense decision, I thought that a mother would be more concerned with his health than the threat of getting arrested. The mothers I know sometimes make irrational decisions if they feel what they are doing ensures welfare for their children. I think it is cultural - some are pragmatic and common sense oriented, while others are not. I probably belong to the latter, while most western cultres belong to the former category. I don't mean any offense, bt merely pointing out what I feel. If you are interested, I can send you by PM, two examples of posts made long time back on these boards that made me realise about these differences. I would rather not post them here, becasue it will unncessarily drag some people into this debate.
And my suggestion (made in poor taste) was more of a joke rather than a serious suggestion to commit suicide. When some one says "hard shit", "harder shit" and such, I do imagine someone wanting stronger and stronger intoxications. So I joked about inhaling really "strong" gases that will take you to a whole new world, in the language of junkies. And writing such crap about one's mother, probably I should have made my suggestion seriously :rolleyes: