Oh come on! Pat's mother isn't dead - she's very much alive and pouring his liquor down the sink - I think that's a cheap shot Mignon.
Thank God that his mother is still with him and to guide him. I don't believe I made a cheap shot. I believe no one else thought so either. The subject of my mothers death was hard enough for me to bring up but, if it will open Pat's eyes then it was worth the pain.

But it does not give you the right to preach lyrical about respect for parents. If your own mother had lived, heaven knows, you might well have argued and fallen out a lot, and even had cause to curse her as Pat curses his own mother.
I never cursed my parents. I had way to much respect for them to do that. What gives you the right to assume you know how I talked to my parents?

[QUOTE] He should feel "abnormal or wicked" because of his little rant? Because someone else's mother died young? You Bible Belt crusaders should get a grip. I swear, visiting this forum is sometimes like taking a trip back in time to Victorian England.

OMG :rolleyes:

SB&APPLE thanks for having my back. It is appreciated

Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12