1. How long have you been studying English?
Since 7th grade.2. We all know you can write fluently, but what about speaking?
I can speak fluently, unless there is some really dirty fight. Then I'd have difficulty understanding how bad an insult someone made.
3. How would you rate your skills (reading, speaking, writing, listening comprehension)?
Writing/Speaking/Reading/Listening. I generally don't pay enough (womanly) attention to what others say or write, even in my first language. I skip reading through what doesn't interest me and often I miss a few details. The same goes for listening. 4. By which means do you practice your English?
Just about anything. 5. Did you ever experience a full immersion period in any English speaking country or some like that?
Yes, I've spent over a year in the US.6. Do you like English? (stupid one, I know. But there's some people who just USE this language because they cannot do without it but actually don't like it)
Of course, I've always liked it. Voices in my head all speak in English.
7. What do you like the most about it?
It is easy.8. What do you like the least?
Some of odd accents. :p
9. Do you think it is easy?
Yes, definitely one of the easiest languages ever.10. Which other languages do you know or would you like to?
Persian of course, also a little Arabic but more than I need to know. Right now I'm trying to learn German, firstly because of Mozart's German operas, secondly because of my job, it would help a lot because our electrical system codes are German. I also would like to learn French and Italian if I get the chance. Opera and many other wonderful things are what I can't appreciate enough because I don't know these languages.