Originally posted by Lavinia from Italy:
We got a few members here who got English as a second language and do incredibly well. I'm thinking of Afi, JustMe, Enzo
Me? Do incredibly well? :p
1. How long have you been studying English?
Been watching American TV shows since I was like 8/9, and started learning it at school 5 years ago.
2. We all know you can write fluently, but what about speaking?
Hmm. I often struggle to find an appropiate word, and my accent is terrible, I think.
3. How would you rate your skills (reading, speaking, writing, listening comprehension)?
Reading: 9/10
Speaking: 5/10
Writing: 7/10
Listening comprehension: 9/10
4. By which means do you practice your English?
Fuck! Uhm, can you explain this a bit, I don't know the expression "by which means".

Does it mean something like "for which goal"?
5. Did you ever experience a full immersion period in any English speaking country or some like that?
I've been in America, and English went kinda well.
6. Do you like English? (stupid one, I know. But there's some people who just USE this language because they cannot do without it but actually don't like it)
Hmm. Well, I don't hate it, but I don't really like it neither.
7. What do you like the most about it?
English is probably the easiest language in the world to learn, but a difficult one to master. I mean, over here any 6 year old with an IQ of 70 can say a bit English, but there are few who do speak the language good.
8. What do you like the least?
The weird grammar,
9. Do you think it is easy?
See Q 7.
10. Which other languages do you know or would you like to?
I also know Latin, Dutch and French. In the future, I would like to learn French better (speak it fluently) and start Italian.