Me? Incredibly well??? :rolleyes:

You better think about it again! And then you must decide if I do it incredibly well...thanks anyway. But I sometimes make horrible grammar mistakes, and sometimes I got confussed with some words for example, "heroin" and "heroine". hahaha!.
1. How long have you been studying English?
Since childhood, but not a big deal. I started to study english seriously when I was in high school, I was the student who got the highest scores in my classroom.But it was british english, then I started to study in an american institute where the teachers speak only in english, spanish is not allowed. I have studied there for 6 years.
2. We all know you can write fluently, but what about speaking?
I don´t know if I can write fluently, I can speak fluently if given the opportunity, but if it´s been a long time I haven´t spoken it turns difficult to recover the practice.
3. How would you rate your skills (reading, speaking, writing, listening comprehension)?
Listening comprehension is the worst, this is the most difficult but sometimes it depends on the person who is speaking, I can understand american people(but the hip hop "singers", they talk very fast) but I can rarely understand british people. My english is american english.
4. By which means do you practice your English?
Mostly reading, Mafia books, gangsterBB, etc.
5. Did you ever experience a full immersion period in any English speaking country or some like that?
I have been to USA since December of 2004 until April of 2005.
6. Do you like English? (stupid one, I know. But there's some people who just USE this language because they cannot do without it but actually don't like it)
Yes, I do.
7. What do you like the most about it?
I can have a conversation with people whose original language is not english, I cannot speak chinese, russian, french.For example, if I want to say to JustMe "You are the most beautiful rose in the world", she will understand, this is one of the reasons I am happy to know english when I don´t know how to speak the one another´s language and the one another cannot speak mine. Nobody can make a joke to embarrass you using english language because you will understand, for example, I asked a romanian guy how can I say "Goodbye" in his language, he told me how but it wasn´t "goodbye". I would say what he taugh me to say if there were only men here, but I have to be a gentleman, there are many ladies here, so, I won´t say those words in english. To give you an understanding, I wanted to say "goodbye" in romanian to a girl and she was surprised and she was going to hit me. But another romaninan guy said it was a joke for me. That´s why I can trust anybody else or language.
Sometimes, english is a weapon, it is good to understand the people who you are talking to, sometimes you may not understand or refuse to understand when you don´t want to understand.
8. What do you like the least?
When I have to speak by phone about important things and I cannot afford to miss any words.
9. Do you think it is easy?
Yes, it is.
10. Which other languages do you know or would you like to?
Italian, French and Japanese