Time to answer my own questions.....
1. How long have you been studying English?
since I was 11 or so. But I've been interested in it since a very little child, because my older sister was studying it at school and I would imitate her. I still can remember a nursery rhyme which went something like "One, two, buckle my shoe. Three, four, shut the door. Five, six, pick up sticks. Seven, eight, lay them straight. Nine, ten, a big fat hen". I used to tell it when a was 5 or 6...
2. We all know you can write fluently, but what about speaking?
I like speaking in English! My English friends tell me I got a smart British accent, which I'm very proud of...

(even if I doubt they only try to be kind to me. Truth is I got an Italian accent, that's it!!)Unfortunately I've got few opportunities to actually talk in English so my fluency isn't as good as I would, but if I'm given half a chance I'd resume it quite quickly (hopefully :rolleyes: )
3. How would you rate your skills (reading, speaking, writing, listening comprehension)?
I'm strictish....
reading 8/10
speaking 6/10
writing 8/10
listening comprehension. It depends. British English is about 7/10. American English is.....definitely LESS!!!!
6. Do you like English? (stupid one, I know. But there's some people who just USE this language because they cannot do without it but actually don't like it)
7. What do you like the most about it?
It's the key to the world.
8. What do you like the least?
Bad accents that make it incomprehensible.
9. Do you think it is easy?
absolutely. No other language (old or modern) is as easy, as far as I'm concerned.
10. Which other languages do you know or would you like to?
Well, old languages - i. e. Latin and Old Greek - do not count in this context. So, Italian aside, I know a little French (which sounds sooooo chic!

but it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy more difficult than English) and a little Spanish (which sounds fascinating and is very easy for us Italians). I'd like to know these languages better, especially Spanish.