1. How long have you been studying English?
Since I was 10 years old. However I've been in contact with english all my life, from movies, music etc.2. We all know you can write fluently, but what about speaking?
I speak better than I write and for some reason I have an american accent. 3. How would you rate your skills (reading, speaking, writing, listening comprehension)?
4. By which means do you practice your English?
By speaking, and listening. In Sweden, all our movies are in english, almost all our TV-shows are american, almost all our music is in english.6. Do you like English? (stupid one, I know. But there's some people who just USE this language because they cannot do without it but actually don't like it)
Yes I do.7. What do you like the most about it?
The multitude of words and expressions.8. What do you like the least?
hmm. tough one.. I really don't like the fact that young swedish kids use at least 20% english words when they speak. But that isn't the english language's fault. 9. Do you think it is easy?
Yes. At least to me, it has come very natural.10. Which other languages do you know or would you like to?
Fluent in:
And I speak and understand a little French and Spanish.
Also I'm still learning Sicilian, if you consider that a language.
I would like to learn Japanese, Mandarin, Kantonese.