Originally posted by Don Jasani:
Iceman, no offense to you personally but how is this "Good news!!!" exactly? Does the right to carry a concealed gun enrich your life in any meaningful way? Do you feel safer now? Do you feel that the gun completes you or that you are that much more secure than the next guy because of the pistol? Again, no offense, maybe it's just me, but I can't see how owning a firearm would increase the pleasure of one's life and increase his contributions to humanity.
It is good news because the lawmakers of Nebraska finally decided to trust the law abiding citizens enough. And have finally decided to even the playing field(for lack of better words)Don Jasani I don't need a firearm to enrich my life as you say(I have money for that

) But it will make me feel a lot safer going through certain areas. Like Rest stops on the interstate.
The point is the criminals will always have a gun and will most likely have it with them. While the law abiding citizens just had to put up with it, and hope they didn't get shot or killed.
Police can't be everywhere at the same time, this just enables the law abiding citizens to defend themselves, which is the right of every single individual.
Now the would be criminals will probably stop & think before they decide to attack someone. Cause they'll have no way of knowing if the potential victim is armed or not.
This law has stopped all kinds of violent crimes like Rape, Car-jackings, muggings, assaults(in every state that has this law)the above crimes can & has often lead to murder.