I stand by what I said. If you face mortal danger on a day to day basis and have to deal with riff raff, scum of the Earth type people because of your job, or your neighbourhood or whatever, then yes, you should be able to defend yourself. I feel that my choice of the abortion analogy was apt however, because as with abortion the gun problem in America is getting way out of hand. A woman having an abortion because she was raped, or she sees absolutely no possible way the kid could be raised by her or the father, or the father skipped out, or, at the end of the day if she just doesn't want the kid, then it is her right under American (and Canadian) law to have an abortion. However, this doesn't mean that a woman who sleeps around and has an abortion about once every year or once every two years or three years or whatever should be encouraged to do so just because it is her right. Responsibility for one's actions is what is at issue here, I believe. As with sexual intercourse, those who own and carry guns whether they be concealed or in the open have to take responsibility for their actions and cannot brandish their weapon of choice to passersby. However, when their life is threated by some dope fiend I don't think too many people would be terribly disappointed if someone took him down.