I'm not a druggie, what with the military and all, but I will tell you about some cool medical drugs. Morphine for starters, duh. I dislocated my kneecap a week ago, had to get rushed to the ER. If I wasn't in so much pain from the dislocation, the morphine probably would have had a "better" effect, what little it did for the EXTREME pain was hardly noticible. What DOES rule though is Triopental. It's a barbituate, actually one of the things used in lethal injections from what I've read. Mind you this was a much smaller dose. Anyways, it knocks you out in about 30 seconds, woo! Last thing I remember is watching the nurse inject the stuff into the IV, then I guess I went under, they fixed my knee...and coming to was cool. Y'know how you feel when your foot's asleep? Well imagine that...but everywhere! You're flopping around like a fish and your vision is swimming and your mouth is going all nuts like that scene from "Bruce Almighty" when Bruce made the news anchor talk gibberish.

What do you think this is the Army, where you shoot'em a mile away?

You've gotta get up close like this and bada-bing! you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit.