As I said , and you probably missed it in your rush to get your last post up:

Originally posted by Don Cardi:

I am so impressed with the attempt by a certain young member here to show his ability to try and make himself appear smarter than he really is by hiding behind the use of fancy words to really cover up his insecurities and ingnorance. This elder gives him an A for effort because of his repeated efforts time after time to hide his ignorance, but at the same time use fancy terms and words.

However there will come a time in this child's life where he will no longer be able to hide behind this facade and will be faced with the reality that with all the book smarts that he may have picked up in his childhood years, he really didn't learn shit about the real world and what life really entails.

And maybe someday, when the wetness behind his ears drys up, he will listen to others that he crosses paths with in life and will get rid of that chip from his shoulder, so he can understand that the fantasy world that he lives in right now is not the real world that he will someday face.
It's sad that you have such a huge chip on your shoulder. Better be careful because one of these days you will run into somebody that will definitely knock it off for you. Then again, maybe it will make you a much nicer person. I feel sorry for you son, your too bitter inside for such a young child.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.