How are men and women different? (Besides the obvious please) Since giving birth to a boy and a girl 7 months ago, I've come to realize that people are born with distinct personalities. I had always imagined they were formed almost solely by experiences.

Are boys born more aggressive than girls? If so, can anything be done to curb this natural aggression? How much of this can be applied to future occupations? (For example boys in the military and sports)

My twins are only 7 months old. They share a room and all of their toys. There are no boy toys or girl toys. The only difference is that our girl wears girl clothes and the boy might wear blue or sporty clothes.

Our son is SO aggressive. He loves to steal toys from his sister. He will not hesitate to crawl right over her or the dog. He pulls and pushes, hates to be held, and loves to be mischevious. Everyday he crawls right for the one electrical cord we cannot hide.

Our daughter is sensitive, will play quietly, loves to sit and look at board books. When the dog comes near her, she pets him gently unlike her brother, who will pull a chunk of hair out.

Anyone with children, brothers, sisters, or childcare experience have any opinions? I'm really interested to see other opinions.