Hi Krlea,

Having two daughters, and now two grand-daughters, I can only go by what I've observed & heard, since I don't have any sons.

I find, generally speaking, if you have two children be it two of the same sex or opposite, that one of the two will be the more agressive one. My firstborn was more layback, and my second more agressive. I think it's pretty normal actually. Taking toys from the other one, hitting/pushing for no reason, etc.

Although, that being said, I must admit whenever I have a young male child at my house (my son-in-law has a son by a previous marriage who is 10), I do find he is more "active", shall we say, having to run around, roughouse (not that girls can't roughouse); where as the girls usually color, play with toys, and generally don't need as much space I guess you'd say.

I remember hearing when my girls were babies, that a child's basic personality is formed by two years old. Looking back now and remembering different things, I can relate. My oldest (the layback one) is still that way, having much more patience than I, and seldom gets flustered or lets things bother her.

In my youngest, I adore her "spunk". From the time she was little, she'd more or less would speak up and never take crap from anyone. Now as an adult, she's the same, but expresses herself in a determined, yet sweet tone. I'm really pleased that the two are not only sisters, but really best friends (they're two years apart) and do a lot of things together. I'm proud of both of them.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon