Why do we have to bring dead people into the account? After all we are talking about the society at the moment.

I understand this might not be your favorite area, but labeling people Nazi the moment you don't like what they say is what is insane.

Women naturally like to improve their appearance. Most conservative families try to stop girls from using make up, but girls do all things possible to use it. It is in their nature to wish to look their best and a normal behavior. If a girl doesn't want to use make up, or hate it, or think it is a stupid idea; she is out of norm of female behavior. She has more confident in herself than what a normal woman usually has.
1) You missed my point. You can't mathematically qualify anything in the entire human race unless you include every single human being and that's impossible.

2) Women do not naturally try and improve their appearance. Society has taught them to do so. Don't believe me? Then why do Tom Boys exist? Why do punk rock chicks exist? What is beauty then? How do you define that? If you have to define beauty, then you'll have to define art as well.

3) People engage in a dangerous practice by trying to define what is acceptable and what is not. By saying certain people are not acceptable in society, people are practicing the same methodology of the Nazis and are too moronic to realize it.

Officially the victim/target of the first and third Non-Aggression Pact attacks #2 is Fathersson # 4 is Double-J

Proud Member of the Gangster BB Bratpack - Fighting Elitism and Ignorance Since 2006

Double-J: may you serve us better from above, smile on from heaven
