I'm sorry if some of you guys don't like this, but I'm tired of all this talk about how beautiful and great Apollonia was. Michael only married Apollonia because of her looks and because she'd be an obediant wife. To tell you the truth, I disliked the whole relationship between Michael and Apollonia. I also don't think that Michael used logic when he married Apollonia. How could he marry a young and innocent teenage girl under the conditions he was in? He was in exile in Sicily and in danger of being killed. Didn't he know that because his life was in danger Apollonia's life could be in danger too if he married her? Obviously, he didn't give one thought to that because he married her after only a brief "courtship" of two weeks, and if you don't believe me read the book. The book also said something about him being so in love with her beauty and wanting to possess her, and he wanted the "courtship" to move along quickly so he could marry her. I also want to say that I'm tired of people saying that Apollonia would've been a better wife than Kay was because she was Italian. Kay couldn't help it that she wasn't born Italian! I think that Kay was a good wife to Michael and she tried her best to fit into his family. Kay wasn't used to living the type of lifestyle that the Corleones lived. She grew up in a small New England town and was the only child of a Baptist pastor and his wife. From what I've seen in the movie and read in the book, it seems that Kay was used to living a simple but comfortable life. I don't think her parents were rich but they weren't poor either. Michael, on the other hand, did come from a rich family. His family owned a large estate on Long Island that stayed guarded like a fortress. Kay wasn't used to living in such over protection and luxury. Then, she had to go through the same thing when the family moved to Lake Tahoe, Nevada. I think that lifestyle made her feel bit uncomfortable throughout her marriage to Michael. I also want to point out that Kay loved Michael much more than he ever loved her. She waited for him for about three years while he was in exile in Sicily. That's longer than I would ever wait for a man I tell you that! She spent all that time trying to call and write to him and he couldn't even get a message sent to her through Sonny or Tom. Then, he had the nerve to just completely forget about her and marry a teenage girl he barely knew! I think Michael was selfish for what he did, and he was even more selfish for not telling Kay about it before he practically pleaded for her to marry him! I think Kay should've stayed with her first instinct that it was too late for them to get married. Michael had already been back from Sicily for more than a year and didn't even have the courteousy to call or write her and tell her that he had returned home safely and was alright. However, Kay stayed loyal to Michael all while he was gone and never betrayed him. She even refused dates with other men because she truly loved Michael. Once again, if you don't believe me read the book. I hope some of you agree with what I had to say.