If he was sentenced to death he would have had an automatic right to appeal.
This way he doesn't.
But that's not the statement that I disagree with.
What you said there happens to be correct. the guy is a scumbag, and if you believe in the death penalty I can think of no better candidate for it than him.
But what I do disagree with was this:
"Yeah, he deserves a fair trial, like the one that he and his cohorts gave to everyone that they were responsible for executing.....He deserved to be killed.
No rights, no second chances."
Which to me means that you don't think he was entitled to a fair trial in the first place.
It would be great if there were some way that we knew for sure, before putting someone on trial, so we could say
"Oh, good. This guy is a terrorist, so we don't have to give him a fair trial because we know that he's a terrorist".
But the purpose of the trial is so that we
are sure he's a terrorist, and we can't deny someone their rights
until we are sure.
But hell, you know that....
See 'ya in the Sports Forum.....

na na na na na na na na........
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na na na na na na na na........
Stat Man