Originally posted by dontomasso:
1) We are losing Afghanistan back to the Taliban.

2) We have lost Somalia.

3) We are Losing in Iraq.

4) We cannot stand up to North Korea or Iran.

5) We have no Credibility among aour allies.

6) We "captured" a group of clowns in Miami who were ENTRAPPED by some moron from Homeland Security posing as a member of Al Quaeda. I predict acquittals. These idiots couldnt find the local sears let alone the sears tower.

Gee, I sure feel safe with this gang in power.
forget winning n losing all these battles do we even relize how man innocent people are being killed everday women and children. george bush is just a glorified hitler. he is eliminating one religion just as hitler did, how is this not a genecide or how is he not considered a major war criminal. may george bush burn in hell

Time You Enjoy Wasting, was not wasted - John Lennon

A man who nevers spends time with his family can never be a real man - Don Vito Corleone