I don't think it's possible to top what Don Cardi has so eloquently done (do I detect a bit of my clever quips in Cardi's oh-so-succinct responses? ) by squelching the usual suspects in this "thread."

And kudos to RRA, for pointing out that some like to imagine this board as a broken record; unfortunately, the needle hasn't worn down. Apologies to those born after the mid-80's, since that last reference probably went way over your heads.


Allow me to recollect to a magical time they called the latter half of the 70's...

1.) The Middle East is growing increasingly unstable, and may create future problems for our nation and the world.

2.) Our President blames the American people for our nations problems and claims we have a "crisis of confidence" in his public speeches.

3.) Our President drafted his advisors from a bunch of Georgian cronies who know nothing about the political system but are surely corrupt and filling their own coffers.

4.) Interest rates have skyrocketed to record-highs, exceeding twenty percent, as our economy experiences stagflation and the nation's confidence sinks down the tubes.

5.) American is in the midst of an historic energy crisis, and our President tells us that we can "weather the storm" by "wearing sweaters."

6.) Fifty-three Americans are being held hostage by the ruthless Iranian government while our President sits idly by watching while they are in grave danger.

Gee, I sure feel safe with Jimmy Carter in power. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by reynols:
he is eliminating one religion just as hitler did
Judging by your grammar, I'm not sure what kind of education you've had, but regarding your knowledge of historical facts, you are painstakingly misinformed.

Hitler killed more than Jews, you must realize. He killed Soviets, Poles, Czechs, Slavs, and a plethora of others, and not all were Jews - some were homosexuals, criminals, spies, or just people he didn't like.

Originally posted by Tony Love:
I guess it's the United States once again proving that they can't tell brown people apart.
Should I get out the worlds-smallest violin again? Do we really want to have a debate on the Pilgrims and Native Americans or Indians throughout American history?

Because I don't mind getting out the belt.

Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
If there are any countries which should be invaded, then it are Soedan, and definitely Congo.
Congo is the representation of hell on Earth.
Too bad no Western countries have any benefits from a Congo without famine, war and hell.
And, yet again, as I've said about a thousand times to you specifically before, France/Germany/Russia/etc. aren't doing anything right now. Why don't they get off their asses and stop this problem? In fact, let's start with who created the problem - your native Belgium, who were some of the best at exploiting the Congolese, no?

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful,"