Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[b] And the term "insurgency" makes it sound like these terrorists are minutemen fighting for freedom.
So what do you think they are 'fighting' for, then? [/b][/quote]Well if you've read my political posts over the years in regards to the War On Terror, I think that I have been very clear as to what I think the terrorists are fighting for. If you've read my posts over the past few years you would not need to ask a question like that of me.

But out of respect for you I will indulge you once again and try to sum it up for you in one paragraph:

They're fighting for the extremist belief that all non Muslims are 'infidels' and are 'the great satans' who need to be destroyed. They are not fighting for the freedom of the Iraqi or Afghany people. They are fighting and attacking coalition forces and civilians out of sheer fanatasism and in hopes to just wipe out anything and anyone that does not adhere to their twisted and demented doctorine. They intentionally blow up innocent Iraqi and Afghany people in there fight. And no true freedom fighter intentionally blows up the poeple that he or she claims to be fighting for.

And being that you even had to ask me that question, after all that I've continually said here on these boards, I have to believe that you already have a different opinion than mine as to what YOU think they are fighting for.

So I ask you two questions ;

1) Do you consider the terrorists who are fighting our coalition forces in Iraq to be freedom fighters / minutemen type soldier?

2) What do you think that they are fighting for?

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.