
I fully understand that there is an insurgency in Iraq that are fighting for exactly what you point out in your post above.

However that does not mean that those who may have originally started out as insurgents, afraid of losing their country haven't resorted to 'terrorist' tactics. If some of these people sincerely started out as insurgents who were fighting to keep hold of their country, and eventually began to use terrorist tactics by carrying out suicide bombings in market places along with kidnappings that result in torture and beheadings, does that make it ok because they are NOT a part of AL Qeada? The bottom line is that too many of the anti-war newspapers, newscasters and public figures have thrown this fake covering over our enemies by trying to paint them as freedom fighters. Therefore many people have been tricked into believing that those we are fighting over in Iraq are NOT terrorists just because the Cindy Sheehans, the media in general and those in the public eye have replaced the term terrorist with insurgent.

Again, I realize that some are insurgents who are afraid of losing thier country to a foreign occupation, but where I have to disagree with you is when you said that there are more insurgents in Iraq than there are terrorists. I think that it is the other way around.

And just to clear this up, I believe that Enzo was talking about terrorists, and that is why I replied what I did to him and asked him what I asked.

Don Cardi

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.