Originally posted by Double-J:
But we don't really know for sure exactly what he bases many of his decisions on, do we?
Do we ever really know for sure what exactly any President bases his decisions on?

No, but when a president tells me what he's basing his decision on - a belief that he's doing "God's Work", I'm troubled by it.

Suppose we had a president who came out and said that he was basing his decisions on the answers he was getting from a Ouija Board? Or a psychic?

There are people who believe in that stuff you know.

Bush is perfectly entitled to be as religious as he wants to be, and in the absence of proof tot he contrary I can't argue that there is no God, or if there is the Christian God in which he believes in not the "real" or "right" one, contrary to what other of the world's religions may believe.

But just as I can't argue that God does not exist, I don't believe that anyone can successfully make the argument that he does.

Which makes religion and a belief in God strictly speculative and a matter of faith.

And I would prefer a president who made decisions based on facts, not faith.

"Difficult....not impossible"