Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Is marriage really such a sacred institution when divorce is still allowed?
And who allows divorce? Certainly it is not considered kosher (pardon the pun) in Christianity or Judaism. The closest thing would be an annulment, which would be the Catholic way of saying "it never happened."

But nonetheless, the institution, traditionally, is one of sacred and everlasting vows. Just because today's society lacks the moral fiber or fortitude to entertain "'til death do us part" certainly shouldn't detract from an oath before God.

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Besides man, you ever been to Vegas or Atlantic City? You telling me a fucking drive-thru chapel or an Elvis church is sacred?
No, but again, the idea of marriage as a holy union that has been based on traditional principals. Just because you can get one with a Happy Meal doesn't make it correct (though why you'd want to swap genes with Ronald McDonald is beyond me).

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Marriage is just an institution that has been there for most of human societal history, along with law/order, "government", and so on.
True, most civilized societies have had a variety of religious rituals (though law and order certainly can be debated).

However, that being said, I think that in the case of Western traditions, it is not simply one particular facet of the culture, but an important moment that is/should be meaningful and spiritual.

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Thing is, is it sacred to you Double J because of religious reasons, or because its traditional?

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
What about polygamy, or polyandry(several men tied to a woman)? Are you gonna fight the Mormons in Utah(though most don't actually follow polygamy anymore, of course there are still many hold-outs)
What about polygamy? Probably shouldn't be legally recognized either (last time I checked, it wasn't).

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
As for China....well ya, of course America is better than China. Do we have a new Master of the Obvious?
No, but we certainly have a bunch of cretins who act like they are standing in front of a tank in Tiananmen Square the way they talk about how their rights to freedom of speech, what they can read, etc. has been restricted in America.

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Thing is, America is a great place...but it can be greater. A nice person can be nicer. I've lost weight, but I could lose more.
Maybe if we would have less people defending terrorists, dealing crack, killing babies, etc...(the list is infinite)

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
In a way DJ, when America had serious segregation against blacks, what was the defense of many when this was brought up in the 1930s and 1940s? "We're better than the Nazis or Mussolini, or those Reds"
Well, since many people at the time were indifferent to the Nazi's (Joseph P. Kennedy comes to mind), one has to wonder what the hell you are talking about.

And the Bolshevik Revolution, scary shit, but not really scary until Joe McCarthy.

But anyways, what was the defense?

Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
Think about it DJ, but don't respond with a lame-ass wise-ass remark, or posting some stupid pic.
I can't help it if nonsensical or vacuous posts beget responses like O RLY. As Captain Planet would say: "The power is yours!"

Originally posted by Jimmy Buffer:
[quote]Originally posted by Double-J:
[b] Actually, feel free to go fuck your male buddy in the bum.
I would, but then I'm afraid the Knights of Columbus might come knocking on my door telling me I'd make a great candidate for the priesthood. [/b][/quote]KoC kicks ass. Seriously. I hope to join them someday. I don't see what is wrong with people giving money to disabled kids and other charities and supporting Catholicism.

But anyways, I don't think you'd be a candidate for priesthood, since you'd be banging your "buddy" and not your altar boy.

"I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five people that are complete wankers,"