DJ, In part, I actually see myself agreeing with some of what you posted (gasp!). I agree that marriage is a sacred institution and that the rampant rate of divorce is contributing to the downfall of this country. Marriage vows should be honored. They are exactly that - a vow - and, although the better or worse part is tough at times, they need to be taken more seriously.

However, I have no problem with homosexuals being given the right to a CIVIL union. Maybe it's not marriage, maybe it's a "commitment ceremony". But I do believe that if a couple agrees to be monogamous, to be truly committed to one another, why shouldn't they be able to share the benefits that any other couple would? Benefits such as health and life insurance, being recognized as next of kin, etc.? I know that a heterosexual couple that doesn't marry can't enjoy those benefits, but they CHOOSE not to marry. It is forbidden to homosexual couples and that's a big difference.

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club