As far as gay marriage is concerned, if people are against it that's fine, but they better damn sure not be a smoker. If two men or two women wish to marry, that's their decision, it doesn't hurt the rest of us, so why should we care and tell them what they can and can't do if they aren't hurting anyone else? Smoking is legal, yet a person who smokes can cause harm to others who are against smoking as a result of second hand smoke.

Gay marriage may or may not be a sin, I certainly don't have enough knowledge about religion to know the answer to that question, but I do know that passing judgement on others is most definately a sin.

Regarding divorce, I do agree with the majority of your post, SB. I think people should try harder to make marriage work and divorce is often the first option, rather than the last. However, I don't think we can generalize marriages or divorces, just like it's wrong to generalize people. Some marriages are destined to last forever, some marriages simply will never work out. Again, it's two adults, so they should be allowed to make their own decisions. The bad thing about divorce is there are often children involved who are often deeply affected as a result of that decision. As a teacher, I can tell you stories from both sides of the coin, so I really don't know if it is more harmful to children who have divorced parents or they're better off not having to listen to mommy and daddy fight every night. Again, it's a case by case basis. Sometimes a child could be harmed further by watching mom and dad struggle to hopelessly work it out.

If you believe in God, then it's not up to you to decide what is morally right and morally wrong for other people. It's up to each person to decide what is right and wrong for them, then God gets the final say. Not the church, not the government, nor any member of this board.

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of creatures Chuck Norris has allowed to live.