Originally posted by Don Cardi:
I believe that this war on terror can be won if democracy is spread within the middle east and all the governments and countries in the world who have the ability to fight in this war on terror partake in it. If all the powerful nations in this world banded together and went out to fight Islamic Extremists like AL Qaeda, Hamas,etc. and countries refused to aid, finance and harbor these terrorists, then yes, it can be won.
Terrorism is more than just some loonatic Jihadi's. That's only part of terrorism.

Terrorism has been around since civilisation exists.
Catilina terrorised the Roman Empire and tried to make it a dictatorship.
The Hunes terrorised Eastern Europe and the Roman Empire in 350 AD.
There was terrorism in the middleages, in the renaissance, in the 18th, the 19th, and the 20th century. It will also exist in the 21th and the 22th century. I hope you're right and that it will cease to exist once every nation on earth has democracy. But I think not, I think terrorism is like extreme-right, racism, and murder; something that is inherent to the human civilisation, and that diminishes in good times, and expands in worser times, like we're in today. It depends much on economic growth.

Hamas. They do great things for the Palestinians, when it comes down to social cares. They give health care to a great deal of the Palestinians, they give education, they try to keep the youth from criminality, they even tried to install an own social security network. All good things in se.
They also bomb and kill innocent Jews.

Should they be executed? Bush and with him most world leaders also do good things and bad things. Should they be eliminated?

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.