My top 5 hilarious Godfather moments

1. Part II. the coffee shop scene with Fannuci and young vito. Fannuci's creepy but hilarious grunting laugh after Vito tells him he is short on money.

-cracks me up every single time

2. Part I. the scene where Sonny whoops Carlos' ass WWE style with the garbage can lid. It was also great when he bit carlos' knuckles.

3. Part II. in the coffee shop when Fannuci gives his signature creepy ass hilarious grin and sips his espresso really quick.

- I dont know call me weird but i thought that was hilarious.

4. Part III. the scene at the opera where one of the characters on stage comes over to hug the other character and supposibly bites his ear. then the camera gets a close up of Vincent and he has himself a chuckle recalling his Tyson style moment with Zasa earlier in the film.

-The irony was what made me laugh

5. Part II. Yes i am in agreement with most of you Fannuci's surprise "come out of nowhere" stunt when he hopped into Vito's car with that classic: "eeeeeehhhhhhh!

-What can i say Fannuci is the funniest character in the whole trilogy hands down.