Well, I know Researcher and Liz, two recently absent members, met earlier this month, which covers the BB's first Anglo-Australian meetup, but earlier this week, the BB's first Anglo-American meeting took place, in Newcastle, England.
Omar's been on vacation for a few weeks now, and he told me a few months ago that he would be in Edinburgh and London for a week in July. So on Thursday, at the
Pitcher & Piano on Newcastle Quayside, Omar and I met up for a great meal and general get-together. His dad, friend and brother were also present.
Anyway, to save this thread from mounting formality, I'll cut to the chase: it was fantastic meeting this guy, who's pretty much in the same boat as me; a teenaged film buff who is starting university in a few weeks.
My only complaint was that it didn't last long enough. Hopefully I can make it to the States some time in the next few years, and return the favour. Thanks, mate!