If you want to rely on what Holy books have to say about who crucified Jesus and just to make controversies worse, according to Quran, Jesus was never crucified. God took him to Heaven before they could lay hands on him and made Judah look like Jesus for his betrayal so they actually killed Judah.

I'm not sure why some people get so much worked up because of a movie someone made. A movie only reflects personal opinions and is not a historical fact. As it is wrong to label a race or religion for what their ancestors did, we shouldn't crucify people for their opinions. Unfortunately crucifying Jesus does not go past his name and case, and no one tries to draw parallel analogies between this story and what happens in everyday life. If you look closely Jesus or what he stood for is being crucified everyday by our lack of tolerance regarding personal beliefs.

As for Mel Gibson, I like him a lot as an actor and very much enjoyed his Passion. Also many other movies he acted in, especially Maverick. I really don't follow the news of his DUI. If you don't like or don't care about his personal life, you could simply ignore such media coverage as well.

But why media focuses on such cases is because celebrities and even politicians are often considered role models by their fans. When someone shares his opinion through making movies or acting; or comes to the spotlight of politics people feel as if they know that person and his/her lifestyle is being followed closely. If there was no demand for such media coverage, the media would have dropped the case weeks ago. Lack of dead role models for most people ( ) and the need for having one is what makes people interested in the personal lives of celebrities.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones